👩‍💻LEARN : ML&Data/Lecture

[Advanced Leaning Algorithms] #7. Advice for applying machine learning

쟈니유 2023. 3. 28. 00:14



Evaluating a model 

Train / test procedure for linear regression (with squared error cost)

  • Fit parameter by minimizing cost function 

  • Compute test error & training error /  regularization 포함 X. regularization : 파라미터 핏을 미니마이즈하는거기때문 


Train / test procedure for classification probelm

  • Fit parameters by minimizing J(w,b) to find w,b 

  • Compute test error & train error → 분류는 이것보다 더 좋은 방법이 있음 

  • Fraction of the test set vs Fraction of the train set that algorithms has misclassified 
    • Test set과 trainset 에서 잘못 분류된 것을 찾는 것 (1이어야 하는데 0이었다거나..)


가설함수가 잘 분류했다면 오차를 0으로 가정 







Model selection and training / cross validation / test sets 

1. 데이터를 세개로 분류 (training : cross validation : test, 6:2:2 정도)

- cross validation : check the validity 


2. 각 셋 별로 error를 계산 

3. Model 마다 cross validation 에러 중 가장 적은 모델을 선택한 다음 테스트셋에서 동일한 모델을 테스트



위의 내용들을 코드로 구현해보자..!


1️⃣Linear Regression 

#1. 데이터 나누기 

# Get 60% of the dataset as the training set. Put the remaining 40% in temporary variables: x_ and y_.
x_train, x_, y_train, y_ = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.40, random_state=1)

# Split the 40% subset above into two: one half for cross validation and the other for the test set
x_cv, x_test, y_cv, y_test = train_test_split(x_, y_, test_size=0.50, random_state=1)

#2. 모델 만들기 

# Initialize lists containing the lists, models, and scalers
train_mses = []
cv_mses = []
models = []
scalers = []

# Loop over 10 times. Each adding one more degree of polynomial higher than the last.
for degree in range(1,11):

#2.1 데이터 분포 상 선형회귀가 아닌 polinomial적용해주기 (10제곱까지 루프)

    # Add polynomial features to the training set
    poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree, include_bias=False)
    X_train_mapped = poly.fit_transform(x_train)

#2.2 Feature Scaling 

    # Scale the training set
    scaler_poly = StandardScaler()
    X_train_mapped_scaled = scaler_poly.fit_transform(X_train_mapped)
#2.3 모델 생성 
    # Create and train the model
    model = LinearRegression()
    model.fit(X_train_mapped_scaled, y_train )

#2.4 MSE 계산 (training set, cv set 모두 적용) 

    # Compute the training MSE
    yhat = model.predict(X_train_mapped_scaled)
    train_mse = mean_squared_error(y_train, yhat) / 2
    # Add polynomial features and scale the cross validation set
    poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree, include_bias=False)
    X_cv_mapped = poly.fit_transform(x_cv)
    X_cv_mapped_scaled = scaler_poly.transform(X_cv_mapped)
    # Compute the cross validation MSE
    yhat = model.predict(X_cv_mapped_scaled)
    cv_mse = mean_squared_error(y_cv, yhat) / 2
#3. 베스트 모델 찾기 

# Get the model with the lowest CV MSE (add 1 because list indices start at 0)
# This also corresponds to the degree of the polynomial added
degree = np.argmin(cv_mses) + 1

#4.Test set에 적용하여 Generalized MSE 확인하기 

# Add polynomial features to the test set
poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree, include_bias=False)
X_test_mapped = poly.fit_transform(x_test)

# Scale the test set
X_test_mapped_scaled = scalers[degree-1].transform(X_test_mapped)

# Compute the test MSE
yhat = models[degree-1].predict(X_test_mapped_scaled)
test_mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, yhat) / 2


2️⃣ Neural Network 에서 위의 내용 구현하기 

  • Neural Network 에서는 polynomial 을 스킵해도 되지만 우선 학습 상 포함하여 진행 
    • 뉴럴 네트워크는 선형 관계가 아니기 때문에 굳이 제곱 더할 필요가 없음 



#1. 데이터 준비 

#1.1 Polynomial 더하고 싶으면 아래에서 degree 변경 
# Add polynomial features_ degree를 우선 1로 줘서 제곱을 더하진 않았음 
degree = 1
poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree, include_bias=False)
X_train_mapped = poly.fit_transform(x_train)
X_cv_mapped = poly.transform(x_cv)
X_test_mapped = poly.transform(x_test)

#1.2 Scaling 
# Scale the features using the z-score
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_train_mapped_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X_train_mapped)
X_cv_mapped_scaled = scaler.transform(X_cv_mapped)
X_test_mapped_scaled = scaler.transform(X_test_mapped)

#2. Modeling : neural network 모델링은 코세라에서 제공하는 유틸로 대체(복잡하니까..)

# Initialize lists that will contain the errors for each model
nn_train_mses = []
nn_cv_mses = []

# Build the models
nn_models = utils.build_models()

# Loop over the the models
for model in nn_models:
    # Setup the loss and optimizer

    print(f"Training {model.name}...")
    # Train the model
        X_train_mapped_scaled, y_train,

    # Record the training MSEs
    yhat = model.predict(X_train_mapped_scaled)
    train_mse = mean_squared_error(y_train, yhat) / 2
    # Record the cross validation MSEs 
    yhat = model.predict(X_cv_mapped_scaled)
    cv_mse = mean_squared_error(y_cv, yhat) / 2

# print results
for model_num in range(len(nn_train_mses)):
        f"Model {model_num+1}: Training MSE: {nn_train_mses[model_num]:.2f}, " +
        f"CV MSE: {nn_cv_mses[model_num]:.2f}"
#3. Best Model 

# Select the model with the lowest CV MSE
model_num = 3

# Compute the test MSE
yhat = nn_models[model_num-1].predict(X_test_mapped_scaled)
test_mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, yhat) / 2

print(f"Selected Model: {model_num}")
print(f"Training MSE: {nn_train_mses[model_num-1]:.2f}")
print(f"Cross Validation MSE: {nn_cv_mses[model_num-1]:.2f}")
print(f"Test MSE: {test_mse:.2f}")


  • 분류에서는 MSE가 아니라 분류를 잘못한 비율을 확인하는 것을 유의 
#1. 데이터 준비 

# Load the dataset from a text file
data = np.loadtxt('./data/data_w3_ex2.csv', delimiter=',')

# Split the inputs and outputs into separate arrays
x_bc = data[:,:-1]
y_bc = data[:,-1]

# Convert y into 2-D because the commands later will require it (x is already 2-D)
y_bc = np.expand_dims(y_bc, axis=1)

print(f"the shape of the inputs x is: {x_bc.shape}")
print(f"the shape of the targets y is: {y_bc.shape}")

#1.1 데이터 분리 : train, cv, test 

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Get 60% of the dataset as the training set. Put the remaining 40% in temporary variables.
x_bc_train, x_, y_bc_train, y_ = train_test_split(x_bc, y_bc, test_size=0.40, random_state=1)

# Split the 40% subset above into two: one half for cross validation and the other for the test set
x_bc_cv, x_bc_test, y_bc_cv, y_bc_test = train_test_split(x_, y_, test_size=0.50, random_state=1)

# Delete temporary variables
del x_, y_

#2. 예시 : Error 계산은 아래처럼 진행할 예정  

# Sample model output
probabilities = np.array([0.2, 0.6, 0.7, 0.3, 0.8])

# Apply a threshold to the model output. If greater than 0.5, set to 1. Else 0.
predictions = np.where(probabilities >= 0.5, 1, 0)

# Ground truth labels
ground_truth = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1])

# Initialize counter for misclassified data
misclassified = 0

# Get number of predictions
num_predictions = len(predictions)

# Loop over each prediction
for i in range(num_predictions):
    # Check if it matches the ground truth
    if predictions[i] != ground_truth[i]:
        # Add one to the counter if the prediction is wrong
        misclassified += 1

# Compute the fraction of the data that the model misclassified
fraction_error = misclassified/num_predictions

#3. 모델 만들고 에러 계산하기 

# Initialize lists that will contain the errors for each model
nn_train_error = []
nn_cv_error = []

# Build the models
models_bc = utils.build_models()

# Loop over each model
for model in models_bc:
    # Setup the loss and optimizer

    print(f"Training {model.name}...")

    # Train the model
        x_bc_train, y_bc_train,
    # Set the threshold for classification
    threshold = 0.5
    # Record the fraction of misclassified examples for the training set
    yhat = model.predict(x_bc_train)
    yhat = tf.math.sigmoid(yhat)
    yhat = np.where(yhat >= threshold, 1, 0)
    train_error = np.mean(yhat != y_bc_train)

    # Record the fraction of misclassified examples for the cross validation set
    yhat = model.predict(x_bc_cv)
    yhat = tf.math.sigmoid(yhat)
    yhat = np.where(yhat >= threshold, 1, 0)
    cv_error = np.mean(yhat != y_bc_cv)

# Print the result
for model_num in range(len(nn_train_error)):
        f"Model {model_num+1}: Training Set Classification Error: {nn_train_error[model_num]:.5f}, " +
        f"CV Set Classification Error: {nn_cv_error[model_num]:.5f}"
#4. 모델 선택하고 이에 따른 test set error 계산하기 

# Select the model with the lowest error
model_num = 2

# Compute the test error
yhat = models_bc[model_num-1].predict(x_bc_test)
yhat = tf.math.sigmoid(yhat)
yhat = np.where(yhat >= threshold, 1, 0)
nn_test_error = np.mean(yhat != y_bc_test)